Medford Public Schools Near Me

List of Medford Public Schools

Find Medford, OR Public Schools near me, including addresses, hours, and phone numbers.

Abraham Lincoln Elementary Medford OR 3101 McLoughlin Drive 97504 541-842-3730

Central Medford High School Medford OR 815 South Oakdale Avenue 97501 541-842-3669

Griffin Creek Elementary School Medford OR 2430 Griffin Creek Road 97501 541-842-3740

Hedrick Middle School Medford OR 1501 East Jackson Street 97504 541-842-3700

Hoover Elementary School Medford OR 2323 Siskiyou Boulevard 97504 541-842-3750

Howard Elementary School Medford OR 286 Mace Road 97501 541-842-3760

Jackson Elementary School Medford OR 713 Summit Avenue 97501 541-842-3770

Jefferson Elementary School Medford OR 333 Holmes Avenue 97501 541-842-3800

Kennedy Elementary School Medford OR 2860 North Keeneway Drive 97504 541-842-3810

Kids Unlimited Academy Medford OR 821 North Riverside Avenue 97501 541-774-3900

Logos Public Charter School Medford OR 400 Earhart Street 97501 541-842-3658

Lone Pine Elementary School Medford OR 3158 Lone Pine Road 97504 541-842-3820

Madrone Trail Public Charter School Medford OR 129 North Oakdale Avenue 97501 541-245-6787

Mcloughlin Middle School Medford OR 320 West 2nd Street 97501 541-842-3720

North Medford High School Medford OR 1900 North Keeneway Drive 97504 541-842-3670

Oak Grove Elementary School Medford OR 2838 West Main Street 97501 541-842-3830

Orchard Hill Elementary School Medford OR 1011 La Loma Drive 97504 541-779-1766

Roosevelt Elementary School Medford OR 1212 Queen Anne Avenue 97504 541-842-3840

South Medford High School Medford OR 1551 Cunningham Avenue 97501 541-842-3680

South Metro Psychoeducational Program School Medford OR 1551 Cunningham Avenue 97501 541-842-3680

The Valley School Of Southern Oregon Medford OR 1253 North Riverside Avenue 97501 541-613-3306

Washington Elementary School Medford OR 610 South Peach Street 97501 541-842-3860

White City Elementary School Medford OR 2830 Maple Grove Drive 97501 541-830-1350

Wilson Elementary School Medford OR 1400 Johnson Street 97504 541-842-3870